Member Organization


The KIRAT RODU NACHHIRING SAKHAM is the Kirat NACHHIRING Indigenous people’s Organization in Nepal. It has been established on the date of Monday 15 May 1996 and it has been registered to the Government of Nepal, at the office of the Chief District Officer (CDO Office) in Kathmandu, Nepal on the date Friday 12 January 2001. THE Registered Number is 540/2001-2002.

The Kirat Rodu Nachhiring Sakham was established for the purpose of uplifting the language, culture, and recolonization of the hidden original Identity of Nachhiring Indigenous peoples as well as bringing awareness to the community on the fundamental freedom and Human Rights of Indigenous peoples in Nepal.  (more…)

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Bahing Kirat Mulukhim
Aborigine Indigenous Bahing people are among one of the Kirat ethnic. Their traditional homeland spans from the hilly terrains of eastern & south western part of Okhaldhunga and southern Solukhumbu district. They have their own distinct cultural identity, traditional homeland, traditional rites and customs, social structure, and written and unwritten history. BAHING KIRAT MULUKHIM (BKM) is a representative organization of Bahing Indigenous Peoples. BKM is established with the aim of protecting and promoting rights of Aborigne Indigenous Bahing community along with its language, culture and assisting them in overall development process.

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किरात खालिङ राई उत्थान संघ

नेपालको किरात वंशीय जातिहरुमध्ये खालिङ राई पनि एक हो । यस जातिको आफ्नै पृथक भाषा, संस्कार, संस्कृति र मौलिक परम्परा रहेको छ । खालिङ सभ्यताको विकास सोलुखम्बु जिल्लाबाट भएपनि हाल नेपालको विभिन्न जिल्ला लगायत विश्वको अधिकांश मुलुकहरुमा छरिएर रहेका छन् । यसरी विभिन्न ठाउँमा छरिएर रहेको खालिङलाई एकिकृत बनाउँदै भाषा, संस्कार, संस्कृति र मौलिक पहिचानको उत्थान तथा विकासका लागि विधिवत रुपमा २०५८ सालमा का.जि. प्र.का.  दर्ता  नं. २८८/०५८/०५९  मा भएको किरात खालिङ राई उत्थान संघ, वैधानिक गैर–सरकारी मुनाफारहित एक सामाजिक संस्था हो ।

किरात खालिङ समुदायको साझा संस्थाको रुपमा स्थापित यस संस्थाले विभिन्न संघ/संस्थाहरुसँग परस्पर सामाजिक सद्भाव बढाउँदै आफ्नो भाषा, संस्कार, संस्कृति, परम्परागत रीतिथिति र जीवनशैली, भेषभुषा, ऐतिहासिक थातथलो भूगोल साथै मौलिक इतिहासको संरक्षण र सम्बद्र्धन गर्ने, गराउन शसक्त स्व-पहिचानका कार्यहरु गर्दै आएको छ । Website Link